
Kubernetes cluster can be configured in any region on any cloud platform like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Kubernetes Federation can manage Deployments and Services across all the clusters located in different regions.


The federation includes two processes-

  • Synchronizing  resources across clusters

  • Cross-cluster discovery

Business Challenge


In the Kubernetes Federation cluster following are issues/ problems-

  • If the Federation cluster gets down, we will not be able to access Federation cluster until it gets up back.

  • In case failure of Federation Cluster, every Kubernetes Cluster will act as an independent Cluster.

  • Alerting and Auditing across Federated Kubernetes Clusters.


Solution Offered


  • Kubernetes Cluster running on different clouds and in different regions can be managed and controlled by using Kubernetes Federation control plane.

  • Kubernetes Federation control plane shares the resources across the cluster and keeps in sync which minimizes the cluster failure chances across the cluster.

  • Kubernetes Federation provides high availability by sharing load across the cluster using DNS service and load balancers.

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