Drupal, is a platform for web content management across global enterprises and governments. It is flexible and highly scalable.

Business Challenge

  • To make the Software Release Process Automated by Continuous Deployment to Microsoft Azure Production.

  • The major task was to use Drupal on Cloud as compared to traditional physical servers.

Solution Offered

Continuous delivery is a development practice where code changes are

automatically built, tested, and released to production. It expands upon Continuous Integration by deploying all code changes to a testing/production environment after the build stage.

Continuous Delivery flow in Production Environment

  • Merge Request is made for release to Master Branch

  • Merge Request is approved by the Admin

  • Checkout is made to the Master Branch

  • Pulling the Latest Code in the Workplace

  • Migrate Database to Update

  • Restart Apache Service

  • New Code is deployed successfully on Production environment

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