Weather Impacts human, as well as businesses without bias and understanding the impact of weather conditions, empowers industries and human to make smarter decisions about the potential damage that may be caused by the winds, rain and flooding in the aftermath of the storm.
Big Data technologies help us to integrate and process large datasets, mathematical algorithms with high computing power.
Using Machine learning and Deep Learning, Industry can predict and Forecast the local Weather Conditions and do the analysis of Retail Sales, historical weather data mapping with Sales, Demand Planning, Forecasting, GIS-based Analytics.
Problem Statement
Real Time Data ingestion and processing of data from 280 Weather station with defined Interval and message length of data with Real-Time Analytics and Weather Forecasting for Drought Prediction.
Drought Weather Forecasting examine the beginning and end of the Drought and detect, analyse and measure the extent of drought with strong statistical Data Points
Solution Offered
SPEI (Standard Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index) is used to fulfil all the requirements of drought index.
The collected data is converted from messy to tiny format data.
Forecasting is performed using Holt-Winters forecasting method for predicting the future occurrence and extent of drought.