Business Challenge
In the current system, the following were the issues for which client wanted an Automatic System for the Attendance -
The supervisor is needed to mark the attendance manually.
To mark attendance the person has to go to the office before visiting his working destination.
The alteration can also be performed manually by the supervisor.
Solution Offered
We developed an application that marks the attendance of the person automatically by fetching its location using Face Detection and Object Recognition.
The user will be able to get its attendance marked through an Android Application.
The functionality of the Android app is to capture the image and also the location of the user.
A new user can also be enrolled using the application.
Our Backend Application
Our Application will download all the useful information from the Android Application like Image and Location.
Now, our Application Apply Face Recognition Algorithm on the image to make a comparison with the previously stored image.
Next, our Application Apply Object Detection Algorithm to check for all the tools that the person needs to carry.