
This project is constructed on an analytic framework which lets to archive data from your social media account. With the help of samsara analytics, we created a scrapbook for all memories and kept them in a single place. 

Samsara-Analytics uses third-party components like Apache ZooKeeper, Apache Kafka, ElasticSearch, Kibana.

Samsara has four major components-

  • The ingestion APIs

  • Real-Time Processing pipeline

  • Live Index and Query APIs

  • Frontend data exploration tool.

Business Challenge

Stream processing is always a challenge for any real-time analytics platform. We looked into many solutions, but the main requirement is to choose the one which provides a full end to end solution.

Stream processing and storing the data into Elasticsearch. Ingesting events from different APIs

Solution Offered

Using Samsara-Analytics-

  • A fast, scalable solution to ingest user/machine generated events.

  • A real-time processing pipeline with a collection of standard processing tools.

  • An interactive frontend user interfaces to explore your data-set in real time.


The process includes events which are ingested using ingestion-API and further proc essed by the Samsara Analytics platform.For the indexing of the events to the Elasticsearch, multiple QANALs were assigned.

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