IoT Services and Solutions

Enterprise Full Stack IoT Platform with Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning. Enabling Internet of Things Solutions for Manufacturing, Analytics and Security with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Xenonify - Full Stack IoT Platform with Predictive Analytics

Key Features of IoT platform for Data Integration and Predictive Analysis

Every product has different Technology Requirements, Pick what Suits your Device or you can Request for a New Feature; We'll Create Together


Customize for your device.

Cloud Hosted

Highly available and scalable.

Big Data Ready

Real-time data processing tools.

Intuitive Statistics

Comes with data analytics platform.

Social Integration

Automate status updates to social media.

Key features of IoT Platform

Dataflow Designer

Create process topology using our GUI

NLP Engine

Allow commands in natural language.

Speech Engine

Adds voice command to your IoT device.

Triggered Actions

Event triggered code execution.


Request for new features

Why we Need Internet of Things Platform

Identity and Access Management for IoT

Internet of Things Security Solutions

IoT Platform enables Identity and Access Management Solution integrated with existing enterprises LDAP and Windows AD Access Management with additional Modern IRM, IAM and level of security protections (confidentiality, authentication, authorization) applied to data flows from sensors and other IoT components.

Understanding Protocols Behind Internet of Things

IoT Protocols & Messaging

IoT Platform supports Fast Data and Reactive apps, Event-Driven, Fault Tolerance, Real-Time and Streaming Data for IoT Solutions from different devices & data types. IoT Platform supports MQTT and RESTFul HTTP protocols. Xenonify IoT Platform enables centralized monitoring of Data and Workflow.

Real Time Data Integration For IoT Devices

Streaming & Real Time Data Integration & Analytics for IoT Solution

IoT Platform provides interface to connect different sources with different data types for Streaming and Real Time processing and enables you do Data Analysis and deploy Machine learning & Deep learning algorithms on Real-Time and build Data Products like Alerts, Intelligent Agents, ChatBot Notifications and Actionable insights.

Real Time Predictive Intelligence for IoT Devices

Real Time Predictive and Preventive Intelligence

IoT Platform provides platform to deploy Machine learning and Deep Learning Algorithms on Real Time with On-Premises as well as Public Cloud. IoT Platform enables Graph Data Processing on the Solution Stack and enables you to build Alerts, Intelligent Agents, and Perform Action in Real-Time.

IoT and Microservices Architecture

Microservices, Docker and Kubernetes for Internet of Things

IoT Platform enables the enterprise application to use microservices architecture using Docker and Kubernetes. Microservices Solution provides the Assessment and Migration of present enterprise application stack to adopt Microservices Architecture and deploy using Docker or Kubernetes.

Multi-Cloud Support and Solutions

AWS Cloud Solutions

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers reliable and scalable Cloud Computing Services.

Solutions for
Google Cloud Solutions

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) lets you build and host applications and websites on Google Cloud Infrastructure.

Solutions for
Microsoft Azure Solutions

Microsoft Azure offers enterprise grade cloud computing platform for building, deploying, managing applications.

Solutions for
Container Solutions - DevOps & Kubernetes

Deploy, Manage and Maintain Private & Hybrid Clouds across any Infrastructure using OpenStack & Kubernetes

Solution for Container &
Private Cloud

What are you doing?

Talk to Experts for Assessment on DevOps Intelligence, Big Data Engineering and Decision Science

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Transforming to a Data-Driven Enterprise

Get in Touch with us for Artificial Intelligence Platform and Enterprise Analytics Solution

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AI & Deep Learning
Consulting Services

  • Business Case Ideas
  • Data Veracity Assessment
  • Experience Design
  • Roadmap and Value Mapping
  • Technology Identification
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